Apologize statement

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb.

In this post, I would like to apologize to my English teacher because today (26 August 2017), I can't attend the World Tournament 2017. I can't attend it because I ill. I can't ensure what disease I suffer now because I haven't gone to the doctor yet. But I guess maybe I suffer fever. I suffer this disease since Thursday. But in Friday, I still went to the school because I still felt strong. In the evening after dinner, my mother give me hot reliever drug and told me to rest. 

In the morning after breakfasted, my mother gave same drug again. Because I still not felt fine, my parents told me to get some rest and told me to not follow my school activity (World Tournament 2017). Then, my parents told my homeroom that I couldn't follow the activity in the school.    


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