Hi ! My faithful readers. Today, I will tell you my experience when I followed BAKDES. BAKDES is an event held by Senior High School 3 Bandung. The purpose of this event is to shape the character of students in order to be more independent, responsible, and like to help by placing students in a village whose inhabitants are still dependent on nature. This event lasts for 3 days 2 nights, each student is divided into groups of 3 to 5 people. Each group has their own parents to look after and encourage group members to do work that is usually done by local residents. My group consist of Fauzan, Geva, and Asena. So read this story until finish !

Before I tell you about my experience when I followed this event, I will give you the profile of the village where I stayed.

Cibeureum Village Profile 

Cibeureum Village is a village located at the foot of Mount Wayang and is in the Kertasari District area, Bandung Regency. Cibeureum village is one of the villages located in the core area of the upper reaches of the Citarum River. If we trace the flow of the Citarum River from Situ Cisanti, the Village of Cibeureum is located around the second kilometer of the Citarum River. The boundaries of Cibeureum Village are as follows.

North    :  Sukapura
East      :  Cihawuk
South    :  Tarumajaya
West     :  Pangalengan

The area of Cibeureum Village is 2,030,658 Ha. Cibeureum village is located at an altitude of approximately 1300-1500 M above sea level. The average temperature of Cibeureum Village ranges from 13 to 30 degrees Celsius. Cibeureum Village consists of 5 hamlets, 29 RWs and 117 RTs. The 2010 Kertasari subdistrict monographic data stated that of around 15,757 people, there were around 5,438 people who worked as farmers and farm laborers. Aside from being a farmer, many residents of Cibeureum Village work as breeders. From the results of a field survey of the Cita-Citarum and Citarum Recovery Program (CRP) teams in June 2013, at least 24 cowsheds and 854 cows were found.

Activity Report

Day 1

We departed together from school to Cibeureum Village by using angkot at 07.00 am. The trip took 2 hours and 30 minutes until we arrived at 09.30 am. Before my group and I went to our "parents" house, we were briefed by our homeroom teacher at Posko. One by one, another group from my class were fetched by their own "parents". The clock was pointing at 11.00 am but our "parents" still not came yet. So our homeroom decided to ask about this matter to the village head. According to the village head, our "parents", Mr. Dadang couldn't fetch us because he was busy at the city. After a discussion, our homeroom decided to changed our "parents". My new "parents" named Mr. Uju. Mr. Uju is a kind and friendly person. He really likes watching TV. Even when we feel asleep he still watched TV at night. In Mr. Uju's house, my group and I played card until 06.00 pm. At 09.00 pm, my group and I decided to take a rest so we could get some energies to do work in the next day.

Day 2

At 04.00, we woke up. Geva, Fauzan, and I decided to pray Subuh at the mosque that located not too far from our house. In the mosque, we met another group from my class. At 06.00 am, all my classmate and my homeroom gathered at Posko. There, we got instruction from our homeroom to go to help the farmers in a spring onion garden near the river. We really enjoyed the activity because the farmers was very gracious and kind to us. Even, we were allowed to take home their harvests. After farming, We took pictures of the scenery around us because the scenery was so beautiful. We also walked around the river and the hills. Although this made me so tired, I really enjoyed it because it is very valuable experience for me. At 12.00 am, we went home to lunch. After that, we got free time. My group and I used it to interact with local people. As usual at 09.00 pm, we slept after a tiring day. 

Day 3

In the last day, My classmate, my homeroom, and I went to 0 kilometer Citarum River. There, we took a lot of photos. After that, we went back to our "parents" house to prepare our stuff to go home. Before we left our "parents" house, Mrs. Uju gave us a plastic bag full of potatoes. We also took a photo together with our "parents". At 09.00 am, we left Cibeureum Village. 

It was an unforgettable experience and valuable lesson for all of us that they can live happily in simplicity. So that's all my experience and story during BAKDES. Thanks for reading. See you in the next post !  


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