BAKDES Hi ! My faithful readers. Today, I will tell you my experience when I followed BAKDES. BAKDES is an event held by Senior High School 3 Bandung. The purpose of this event is to shape the character of students in order to be more independent, responsible, and like to help by placing students in a village whose inhabitants are still dependent on nature. This event lasts for 3 days 2 nights, each student is divided into groups of 3 to 5 people. Each group has their own parents to look after and encourage group members to do work that is usually done by local residents. My group consist of Fauzan, Geva, and Asena. So read this story until finish ! Before I tell you about my experience when I followed this event, I will give you the profile of the village where I stayed. Cibeureum Village Profile Cibeureum Village is a village located at the foot of Mount Wayang and is in the Kertasari District area, Bandung Regency. Cibeureum village is one of the v...