Interview Script

Me : Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Introduce my name is Farros Nabil Fadlurrahman from XI science 5. I am tasked to interview one of stands in this event. So, could I interview you about Unisba ? Interviewee : Of course you can Me : How long has this university been established ? Interviewee : It's been sixty years since this university is established at 15 November 1958. Me : Where is this university located ? Interviewee : There are two locations of this university, in the Tamansari street and in Ciburial, Bandung Me : What is the most favorite faculty in Unisba ? Interviewee : The most favorite faculty in Unisba is faculty of communication. That faculty always awarded as the Best School of Communication from Mix Marketing magazine. And other facu...