Narrative Text
The Pigeon and The Bad Crows Once upon a time there lived a farmer. He had amassed wealth by selling the produces that he got from his farms. He distributed that wealth to all the needy people. So, the whole village revered him for his magnanimity. But he had a persistent problem in his farms. Whenever he sowed seeds in his farm, the crows would come and eat them up. He was worried about this trouble and his profit from the farms went reduced. The contemplated the problem and came to a conclusion. “I must do something about these crows. I will be ruined if I do not stop this dangerous and destroying tendency of these crows," he thought. He consulted this problem with his friends. They gave an idea to get rid of this nagging problem. The next day, as suggested by his friends, the farmer bought a scarecrow and placed it on the farm. Then he sowed his seeds. “This season, I hope, I will get a good harvest," he said to himself softly. When the farmer came to his...